Monday, February 20, 2017

9 Great Picture Books That Help Your Kid Learn Math

When asked, many kids will say that math is their least favorite subject.  Traditional methods involve formulas, drills, and no explaining why we are learning something.  But math doesn’t have to be this way.  Here are some great illustrated picture books for kids that explain math concepts – how they work in pictures, and most importantly, WHY these ideas are important and useful.

by Edward Einhorn
A boy wakes up with a cat on his head that won’t get off until the boy wins a game of probability using objects around his house

by Demi
The power of compounding interest is said to be the Eighth Wonder of the World and is illustrated for kids by the story of a young girl who feeds her village by doubling a grain of rice every day for 30 days

by Masaichiro and Mitsumasa Anno
Factorials, or multiplying 1 x 2 x 3 x 4….etc is demonstrated in a way kids can visualize

by Richard Even Schwartz
The numbers 1 to 100 are illustrated as monsters in order to demonstrate what the difference is between prime and composite numbers

by David M. Schwartz
Each page illustrates a concept in math such as binary code, exponents, and probability, along with where we see it in the world

by Cindy Neuschwander
Sir Cumference, Lady Di of Ameter, and their son Radius are characters that simplify math concepts while telling entertaining stories set in medieval times.  Each book takes one topic such as the base 10 number system or measuring the area of a circle. 

by David M. Schwartz
A wizard shows a group of kids what the number one million means in whimsical illustration

by Julie Ellis
Pythagoras helps his father by discovering the secret of the right triangle and a practical use for it

by Julie Ellis
Pythagoras and his cousins want to win a music contest, but can’t understand why their instruments sound so bad and so different from one another.  Comparing their instruments to his, Pythagoras discovers that notes that sound melodious together have certain mathematical ratios.

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